My baby bump at 32 weeks from the side:
And from the front:
Total Weight Gain: I am up a total of 9 lbs. (I gained about 1/2 lb this week.)
Movement: It definitely feels like Cullen is running out of room. He is constantly squirming like he is trying to make space and can’t get comfortable. He is now finally letting other people feel him move too…as opposed to the way he used to get still as soon as someone put their hand on my belly.
Boy or Girl? Boy!!!
Food Cravings: Sweets. Probably not a good thing.
How I’m Feeling: Pregnant. That pretty much sums it up. I’ve had lots of heartburn, hip pain, and am just uncomfortable in general. Nothing worse that what is to be expected for the third trimester though. I feel like this pregnancy has been a breeze so far though, so no complaints.
Size of Baby: Head of Lettuce (19 in, 3.9 lbs)
Baby’s Development: This week baby weighs almost four pounds and could be up to 19 inches long from head to toe. Most likely baby has settled into the head-down, bottoms-up position in preparation for birth. (Cullen was at our last ultrasound at 29 weeks…based on his movements, I am pretty sure he still is.) At this point, baby’s digestive system is all set and ready to go. And because he is accumulating more fat, baby’s skin is finally turning opaque, looking more and more like a newborn.
Best Part of this Week: So many fun things this week…I had a shower at work, Thursday was Thanksgiving, and Friday we got our Christmas tree and got it decorated! I still have a few more Christmas decorations to put up, but I am glad it is starting to look like Christmas in our house. It is definitely one of my favorite times of the year!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Is it too early to say Christmas? I love this time of year. I love decorating, listening to Christmas music, wrapping presents, and spending time with family. I can’t wait until Cullen’s first Christmas next year!