Weekly Update

37 Weeks

My baby bump at 37 weeks from the side:

And from the front:

Total Weight Gain: I am up a total of 15.5 lbs. (No change this past week.)

Movement:  Cullen is constantly moving!  Last night, I could make out the outline of his little foot as he pushed it out against my belly!

Boy or Girl? Boy!!!

Food Cravings: No cravings.

How I’m Feeling: I still feel pretty great!  No problems sleeping, I can still move around pretty well, and no real contractions yet.  I have some Braxton Hicks contractions just about every day, but they usually go away when I sit down for a few minutes.

Size of Baby: Watermelon (19 – 22 in, 6.5 lbs) 

Baby’s Development:  At 37 weeks, my pregnancy is considered full term.  Yay!  At this point, baby can be expected to gain about half an ounce per day.  So what’s keeping little one busy these days?  Practice, practice, practice.  Baby is simulating breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking on his thumb, blinking, and pivoting from side to side.  All these are skills needed for life outside the womb.

Best Part of this Week: Christmas and working on the nursery!  I had a wonderful Christmas spent enjoying time with family.  Then, on Saturday, my mom came over to help me work on the nursery.  We made the crib skirt, worked on the curtains, and I finished the quilt.  So glad it is finally coming together!  (There’s nothing like waiting until the last minute.)

What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting our little boy!  We don’t quite have everything ready for his arrival yet, so I am perfectly okay with him waiting another 3 weeks to get here, but I can’t believe we are so close.  I get more excited every day about getting to hold him so soon!

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