Kids Monthly Update

Corinne – One Month

Corinne is one month old today! So far she is a very content baby. Like a true third child, she is happy to just go with the flow. She pretty much still just eats and sleeps, but has a little more awake time every day. At one month, Corinne:

  • Weighs 10 lbs 12 oz and is 22 inches long.
  • Wears mostly 0-3 month clothing. I can still squeeze her into a couple of newborn rompers (for today anyway), but nothing with feet.
  • Still likes to eat at least every 3 hours, usually more often than that. She is a growing girl after all!
  • Really seems to like being on her tummy. Her doctor commented on how much she like being on her tummy and how well she is doing with head control. “She’s only one month old, right? She acts like a two month old!”
  • Is a mommy’s girl and would let me hold her all day (and night). But that may have more to do with where her food comes from.
  • Only sleeps at most 3 hours at a time, but must be swaddled tightly if she is in her bassinet. She still has a few nights when she wants to just hang out and look around for a few hours while everyone else is sleeping. But those are getting less frequent and she is getting better about eating and going right back to sleep.

Everyone in our house is truly in love with her. Cullen asks if he can kiss her all. the. time. And Colette wants to touch her constantly. This past month has flown by, but at the same time it feels like she has been a part of our family forever!

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