I have not done so well keeping up with monthly updates about Corinne. My last post was when she was two months old. #thirdchildproblems So let’s catch up, OK?
Corinne is now EIGHT months old! She has (obviously) changed so much in the last six months.
Eight Months:

- She has been saying “mama” for a couple of weeks. It sounded like babbling at first, but she only says it when she wants me to pick her up. So I’m claiming that “Mama” is officially her first word.
- She weighs almost 20 lbs.
- She now hates being laid on her back which makes diaper changes super fun since we have to constantly flip her back over.
- Has been going through a sleep regression. She went from sleeping for a solid nine hours at night with a two hour morning nap to waking up at least three times during the night and struggling to nap for longer than 30 minutes in the mornings. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now, but we are working on getting back to a normal sleep routine.
Seven Months:

- She first crawled at almost 7 months (on March 10, 2019).
- She started pushing up to seated from her stomach at around 6 1/2 months.
- We had to lower her crib at 6 1/2 months because she pulled to standing in her crib.
- She likes to hold my hand while she nurses, which is the sweetest thing!
Six Months:

- At this point, Corrine was sitting on her own really well.
- She was so close to crawling, always rocking on her hands and knees.
- Start almost exclusively sleeping on her stomach. She flips over as soon as I lay her down, sometimes even trying to flip mid-air while she is asleep.
- At six months, she weighed 18 lbs (82nd %) and was 27.5″ tall (96th %).
Five Months:

- At five months old, she was thisclose to sitting on her own.
- She weighed 17 lbs.
Four Months:

- At four months, she was an expert at rolling both directions.
- She weighed 15 lb 4.5 oz (71st %) and was 26.5″ tall (99th %).
- This was about the time that we moved her out of the bassinet in our room to her own crib in her room. She transitioned really well and, for the most part, has done great ever since.
Three Months:

- At three months old, Corinne could roll from front-to-back and from back-to-front. She just usually chose not to, happy to be wherever we put her.
I could kick myself for not keeping up with these monthly posts. I really wish I could remember more specific details from each months. Their personalities change and develop so quickly at this young age, that looking back, it’s hard to remember what happened when. Especially with the third baby, it is all a blur that just won’t slow down.