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Kids Monthly Update

Corinne’s Monthly Updates

I have not done so well keeping up with monthly updates about Corinne. My last post was when she was two months old. #thirdchildproblems So let’s catch up, OK?

Corinne is now EIGHT months old! She has (obviously) changed so much in the last six months.

Eight Months:

  • She has been saying “mama” for a couple of weeks. It sounded like babbling at first, but she only says it when she wants me to pick her up. So I’m claiming that “Mama” is officially her first word.
  • She weighs almost 20 lbs.
  • She now hates being laid on her back which makes diaper changes super fun since we have to constantly flip her back over.
  • Has been going through a sleep regression. She went from sleeping for a solid nine hours at night with a two hour morning nap to waking up at least three times during the night and struggling to nap for longer than 30 minutes in the mornings. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now, but we are working on getting back to a normal sleep routine.

Seven Months:

  • She first crawled at almost 7 months (on March 10, 2019).
  • She started pushing up to seated from her stomach at around 6 1/2 months.
  • We had to lower her crib at 6 1/2 months because she pulled to standing in her crib.
  • She likes to hold my hand while she nurses, which is the sweetest thing!

Six Months:

  • At this point, Corrine was sitting on her own really well.
  • She was so close to crawling, always rocking on her hands and knees.
  • Start almost exclusively sleeping on her stomach. She flips over as soon as I lay her down, sometimes even trying to flip mid-air while she is asleep.
  • At six months, she weighed 18 lbs (82nd %) and was 27.5″ tall (96th %).

Five Months:

  • At five months old, she was thisclose to sitting on her own.
  • She weighed 17 lbs.

Four Months:

  • At four months, she was an expert at rolling both directions.
  • She weighed 15 lb 4.5 oz (71st %) and was 26.5″ tall (99th %).
  • This was about the time that we moved her out of the bassinet in our room to her own crib in her room. She transitioned really well and, for the most part, has done great ever since.

Three Months:

  • At three months old, Corinne could roll from front-to-back and from back-to-front. She just usually chose not to, happy to be wherever we put her.

I could kick myself for not keeping up with these monthly posts. I really wish I could remember more specific details from each months. Their personalities change and develop so quickly at this young age, that looking back, it’s hard to remember what happened when. Especially with the third baby, it is all a blur that just won’t slow down.

Kids Monthly Update

Corinne – Two Months

At two months old, Corinne:

  • Weighs 12 lbs 8 oz and is 24 inches long.
  • Still wears 0-3 month clothes, but will soon be up a size at least in sleepers.
  • Sleeps at least 5 hours at night, usually 6 or even 7 hours at a time!
  • Is so alert and awake during the day! She has the best smiles and is starting to “talk” to us when she is really happy. She loves when we sing to her and likes to make “cooing” sounds back and forth with us.
  • Still hasn’t been away from me for more than 15 minutes. Tonight is our first night back at church, and I know she will do great in nursery, but I will miss her for those two hours!

Cullen still asks to kiss her at least once a day. Colette still wants to touch her all the time and brings her gifts; like a feather from the craft box or a raw potato from the kitchen. It’s very sweet and very strange. We are working on what are appropriate toys for babies. It’s very clear they love her dearly!

Kids Monthly Update

Corinne – One Month

Corinne is one month old today! So far she is a very content baby. Like a true third child, she is happy to just go with the flow. She pretty much still just eats and sleeps, but has a little more awake time every day. At one month, Corinne:

  • Weighs 10 lbs 12 oz and is 22 inches long.
  • Wears mostly 0-3 month clothing. I can still squeeze her into a couple of newborn rompers (for today anyway), but nothing with feet.
  • Still likes to eat at least every 3 hours, usually more often than that. She is a growing girl after all!
  • Really seems to like being on her tummy. Her doctor commented on how much she like being on her tummy and how well she is doing with head control. “She’s only one month old, right? She acts like a two month old!”
  • Is a mommy’s girl and would let me hold her all day (and night). But that may have more to do with where her food comes from.
  • Only sleeps at most 3 hours at a time, but must be swaddled tightly if she is in her bassinet. She still has a few nights when she wants to just hang out and look around for a few hours while everyone else is sleeping. But those are getting less frequent and she is getting better about eating and going right back to sleep.

Everyone in our house is truly in love with her. Cullen asks if he can kiss her all. the. time. And Colette wants to touch her constantly. This past month has flown by, but at the same time it feels like she has been a part of our family forever!



Today is our last day as a family of four. The last day before these two best friends get a new best friend.

Since she was born, Cullen has been so in love with Colette. When she was a baby, he kissed on her, wanted to hold her, and talked about how much he loved her all of the time. As she has gotten older, they have become best friends. Sure, they have their fights and pick on each other like every other brother and sister out there, but they really love playing together. Most days they disappear to one of their rooms or the playroom and play for hours.

They always have each others back. Cullen helps her when she can’t reach something. If Colette gets a snack for herself, she always brings something for Cullen too. They take turns picking TV shows (usually). Colette says Cullen is her “bestest friend ever”!

Cullen has been a great big brother, so I have no doubt that he will love Corinne just as much. And I’m pretty sure he will be a huge help during the first few weeks as I recover. He really enjoys serving those he loves; I am expecting him to want to help with diaper changes and baths and anything he can that will help me and his newest sister.

Colette loves babies, so I’m sure Corinne will get all the attention and kisses she could ever want. Since we decided on a name, Colette has been talking about Baby Corinne and loving on my belly.

I am so excited to see their reactions when they see their new baby sister for the first time. I know they will love her to pieces, but I really hope that as they all get older, they make her an equal part of their friendship. But I also hope that they keep loving on each other just the same.

Kids snow

A Snowy Weekend

This past weekend, it snowed in South Carolina. In December! That never happens. We knew there was a possibility of snow, but certainly did not get our hopes up. Then sure enough, big snow flakes started falling on Friday afternoon. All three of us kept looking out the windows to see just how much snow was coming down. Before we knew it, there was a blanket of white covering our yard, and the kids could hardly contain their excitement. Corey came home from work early and we bundled up (as well as we can; we are not very well prepared for snow around here) and fully embraced the winter wonderland outside.

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