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Doctor Appointments Feeding Baby Monthly Update

Nine Months

I know I say this every month, but I cannot believe that we have a nine month old!  That seems crazy!  
I didn’t know it was possible, but Cullen is becoming more independent and more clingy at the same time.  He wants his freedom; wants to be able to crawl, stand, and cruise whenever and wherever he wants.  Half the time he insists on feeding himself (which he is getting really good at!)  Then there are times when I cannot walk to the other side of the room without tears.  If i walk away from him, he crawls after me like a little puppy until he reaches the baby gate; then he pouts.  Don’t get me wrong, I am glad that he loves me so much, but being loved so much makes fixing dinner or picking up the house very difficult.

Let’s hope I don’t jinx this, but Cullen seems to be sleeping much better at night!  Cullen’s nine month well check was a little over a week ago, and one of the things we discussed was his sleeping behavior.  I got a pretty stern lecture from the pediatrician about how I was handling middle of the night wakings.  (It was pretty obvious that Cullen was waking up because we I had created that habit; he didn’t need anything other than attention.)  The doctor suggested that we try some kind of sleep training to get back to everyone in our house getting a full night sleep.  We discussed three or four options, but he suggested trying the cry-it-out method (based on his own personal experience with his three children.)  I was hesitant (what mother wants to let their child just cry alone in their crib?), but Corey really wanted to try it.  So I went along with it…for two nights.  Those first two nights were pretty rough.  the third night was awful.  Cullen cried that night like I have never heard him cry before.  I cried right along with him and decided that we were going to have to try another way.  This was not working.  And then, he slept 10 hours in one night.  I heard him wake up a few times, but no crying and he went right back to sleep on his own.  The next night, he slept almost 8 hours. So far, we are all sleeping much better!  I feel like a whole new person.  (Let’s hope it stays this way!)

As of last Friday, this little chunk weighs 20 pounds 12.5 ounces and is 29 1/8 inches long.  That puts him in the 74th percentile for weight and 84th for length!  Which is not surprising because all of a sudden, this boy can eat!  He is up to three meals a day.  He loves any kind of fruit, yogurt, cheese, and some vegetables.  Its getting to be a little more difficult to get him to eat just veggies.  I have a feeling that is a battle we will be fighting forever, but mixed with fruit, he will eat just about anything.  And Puffs…he would eat a whole can of Puffs in one sitting if I’d let him.  We have to make sure that container is hidden until he has eaten everything else, or he will refuse to take another bite of the healthy stuff.

I love watching Cullen feed himself.  (Does that sound weird?)  He makes a huge mess, but seeing him use those little fingers to pick up a Puff or a piece of cheese and work to get it to his mouth has to be the cutest thing ever!  Macey loves when Cullen feeds himself too.  She stays camped out under his highchair at meal time.  It makes for pretty easy clean up though.  No need to mop after Cullen eats; Macey picks up every drop of food practically before it can hit the floor.

I am fairly certain we are going to have a walker on our hands before we know it.  Cullen is cruising around furniture like it’s his job and is getting more confident on his feet.  He has started trying to let go of whatever he is using to balance himself when he stands up.  He very quickly sits down, or holds on again, but you can tell he really wants to stand on his own.  As much as I love watching him grow and learn new things, I am not ready to chase a walking baby around!  Chasing after him now wears me out!

Doctor Appointments Monthly Update

Four Months

At his 4 month well check, Cullen weighed 13 pounds, 8 ounces and was 26 inches long.  This boy is long and skinny!  But he is finally starting to get some adorable little leg rolls…I love them!(Based on our scale at home, he is now about 14 1/2 pounds…only about 2 weeks later.  That is some serious growing!) 

What Cullen is doing these days:

Rolling from front to back.  I was home from work with him one day and he flipped about 10 times in a row.  I’m glad I thought to take a video of it, because he didn’t flip for Corey until about a week and a half later.  Apparently Cullen does not do things on demand; he will do them on his own time.

Laughing out loud.  This is my new favorite!  The things that make him laugh the most are zerberts on his belly and lots of kisses on his neck.  He definitely ticklish like his mommy.  He starts laughing if it even looks like I’m going to get near his neck.  Silly boy!

‘Talking’ All. The. Time.  Just like his Daddy. 😉 Seriously.  Between Cullen and Corey, I don’t think I’ll ever get a word in again.  He babbles on and on; sometimes like he’s telling you something funny that happened earlier, and sometimes like there are some serious issues that need to be taken care of and this is no time for giggles…you’d better listen to what he has to say.  

Nursing like a pro.  We had some issues in the beginning and were pretty confident I was just going to have to pump and bottle feed for a year.  (Which wasn’t the most convenient, but at least he was getting my milk.)  About a month ago though, something clicked and Cullen figured it out.  Leaving the house is so much easier now!

Putting everything in his mouth.  Toys, books, blankets, bibs, fingers, arms…   If he can get it to his mouth, he is going to chew on it.  And he drools everywhere.  We go through at least 3 bibs a day, usually more.  Early stages of teething?  Or just experiencing new things?

What Cullen likes:

Flying super hero style.  It amazes me how quickly he can go from fussing to laughing when Corey lifts him in the air.  

Being naked.  As soon as the clothes and diaper come off, he flashes the biggest grin he can.  He loves it!

Looking at pictures.  Of people he knows, people he doesn’t know, and especially himself.  i think I’m going to make him a book of pictures to look at.

Sitting and standing.  If Cullen is awake, he wants to be sitting up.  If you try to lay him down, he does sit-ups and gets all red-faced.  I can’t believe how close he is to being able to sit on his own.

Tummy Time.  Now that he can roll over, Cullen actually enjoys being on his tummy again!

What Cullen doesn’t like:

Baths.  He doesn’t cry or anything, but he is definitely not amused.  We try to make it fun with toys and splashing, but he is just not a fan yet.

Burping.  He hates it.  Most of the time, I don’t even try. 

Once again, I am amazed at how quickly time flies!  Pretty soon, we will be attempting solid foods…I feel like that is a huge step!  I hate to be ‘that mom’, but he is growing up way too fast!  I love how much fun we have together, though!

Bonus:  Look at this cutie in his hat and shades!

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Doctor Appointments Monthly Update

One Month

I cannot believe that Cullen is already a month old!  This past month has flown by.  It’s hard to remember what it felt like not to have this little boy with us, but at the same time, it seems like just yesterday I was still sporting the baby belly.

This little cutie has changed so much in the past month.  

During the first few weeks, it seemed like all he did was sleep.  We had to wake him up at least every three hours to eat.  And by wake him up I mean undress him, change his diaper, rub/tickle his hands and feet…we tried absolutely everything.  This kid could sleep.  

Cullen has done a complete 180 in the past couple of weeks.  He still sleeps a good bit during the day, but has more and more awake time everyday.  We are now able to feed him on demand.  During the day he wants to eat every 2 to 3 hours. Most nights he is still waking up every 3 hours to eat, but occasionally we will get a 4 or 5 hour stretch.  I love those nights!

At this point our day consists of naps, lots of eating, reading stories, time in the swing, and tummy time.  Cullen and I usually get out of the house a couple of days a week, even if its just for a quick trip to the store.  He really is a happy baby, and enjoys everything we do during the day. The only time he really fusses is when he’s hungry; so about every two hours he cries until I can get the bottle in his mouth. But once fed, he is happy again.

I got my first ‘real’ smile at the one month mark.  He was laying on his activity gym grunting (as usual).  I went over to pick him up and laid him in my lap.  as soon as I started talking to him, his face lit up, his eyes got wide, and he showed off the most adorable toothless grin.  These smiles are still pretty sporadic, but they melt my heart every time!

Cullen is becoming a pro at holding his head up.  He has had surprisingly good neck control from birth, but it gets better every day.  He loves tummy time and is great at lifting his head off the ground for a pretty good length of time.  If he is awake and laying on someone’s chest, he pushes back and holds his head up to look around.  We are going to be in trouble when this little guy starts moving.  I have a feeling it will be early and he will keep us moving.

Last week, Corey and I took Cullen to the doctor for his one month check-up.  He now weighs 10 pounds 6 ounces and is 23.2 inches long.  Such a big boy!  I can’t believe how fast he is growing.  Like any mother, I don’t want him to grow up too fast; I am really enjoying this newborn stage.  But I am also looking forward to seeing who this little boy becomes and being able to do more with him.

Doctor Appointments

Another Look at Our Little Boy

This past week, Corey and I got to go in for a 3D/4D ultrasound.  It was so much fun to have another opportunity to see our little guy again! I think this made me fall in love with him even more.  I can’t even imagine how I will feel once I can hold him in my arms!

Some people think these pictures are creepy, but I absolutely love them!  It is so amazing that we have the technology that lets us see little babies like this; with so much detail!  It was fun to be able to look at him and try to figure out who he looks like…what do you think?  Me or Corey?

Here are some pictures of Cullen’s sweet little face.  I may be a little biased, but I already think he is beautiful!

And look at how much hair he has already!  I wonder what color it will be.  Brown, blonde, red maybe?

We also got some sweet pictures of his hands and feet.  He looked like he was rubbing his face and sucking on his fingers, especially toward the end.  I think he was getting tired…it was a busy hour for this little guy.

I cannot get over how amazing these pictures are.  And seeing him look so real made me want him here even more.  I can’t believe we only have about 10 more weeks before I get to hold him in my arms.  I just can’t wait!  I am so excited and love him so much already!!!
Doctor Appointments Sharing the News

Baby M is a…


My ‘Mother’s Instinct’ was right.  Of course!  Here are a few of the pictures we got at our ultrasound yesterday.  Isn’t he precious?!  

I will refrain from showing you the ‘It’s a Boy’ pictures.  I know I would be mortified if my mother had posted pictures of my “parts” all over the internet, so I will not do that to him.  Let’s just say that he is without a doubt a boy.

It continues to amaze me how God prepares you for what is coming next.  Corey has wanted a boy from the start.  I, on the other hand, have always dreamed of having a little girl first.  I am a very girly girl, so I wanted all of the pink, lace, frills, bows, and barbies.  Above all, I really wanted a healthy baby, but my preference was for a girl.  If I am being completely honest, I was worried that if we found out we were having a boy I would be devastated.  

At about 16 weeks, I started having this gut feeling that our Little Sprout was a boy.  I started daydreaming about what a boy nursery would look like, going to pee-wee football games, and having Nerf gun fights in the back yard.  I got really excited about having a boy; I was starting to hope for a boy instead of a girl.  And I was thoroughly convinced that Baby M was a boy.  I didn’t even think about pink anymore or entertain any girl name ideas.  Then at the ultrasound yesterday, it was confirmed.  Corey gets to have a sports buddy, and I get to have that special mother-son bond I hear is so wonderful!

Now we have to get started on the nursery, decide on a name, and get ready for our little boy!

Doctor Appointments

16 Week Appointment

Yesterday was my 16 week appointment with Dr. H.  Since this appointment was going to be just like the last one, I went by myself so that Corey wouldn’t have to miss work.

This was my shortest appointment yet. I was in and out in 20 minutes.  This one was just as great (and nerve-racking) as the others.  I am always so nervous before any appointment that something will go wrong.  I guess that’s normal though…and just the start of my worries as a mom.

Everything was perfect though.  Our Sprout had a heartbeat between 150 and 155.  Dr. H couldn’t get a perfect number because our little one kept kicking.  It was so sweet to hear the little thumps of his or her kicks mixed in with the wonderful sound of that little heartbeat!

I also scheduled our next ultrasound.  September 4th we will get to see our little one again and find out if Sprout will be a he or a she.

I can’t wait!

Doctor Appointments

12 Week Dr. Visit

Today was my 12 week check-up with Dr. H.  Corey got to go with me again in hopes of hearing our little sprout’s heartbeat.  Once again, I feel like we waited forever once we got to the office.  20 minutes of waiting in the lobby followed by another 30 minutes of waiting in the exam room.  It was well worth it though.  We did get to hear the heartbeat.  It was a strong and steady 165!  It is so comforting that our little baby is still growing in there.  And he or she will be here in about 6 months.  That is crazy!

Doctor Appointments

Love At First Sight

We finally got to see our little sprout!

Corey and I left work early today and went to the doctor’s office for a chance to finally see our little one.  We got there, signed in, and waited.  Those few minutes seemed to last forever!  i feel like we had already waited so long for this day, and I couldn’t wait any longer.

The nurse called us back after only about 15 minutes (it seemed way longer than that).  She weighed me (always my favorite part of going to the doctor) and then left us in the exam room.  I put on that silly hospital gown and then we waited…again.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor came in.  He introduced himself and asked if I had any questions.  Of course I didn’t.  I never have any questions and I’ve done A LOT of research about being pregnant.

Then it was time for what Corey and I had been waiting for.  Dr. H turned the screen toward us and we saw our baby for the very first time.  Then we saw a little flicker of a heartbeat.  At that moment, all my fears vanished.  I really am pregnant!  We are going to have a baby!

Dr. H verified that there is only one little on in there (sorry Corey…no twins) and then started measuring.  That tiny little heart was beating at 167 BPM.  Our little sprout measured 2.19 cm from crown to rump.  Our little one even wiggled a few times for us!  I can’t believe our something that little could actually look like a baby.

Dr. H confirmed our estimated due date of January 20th and printed these two pictures for us.  I think I sat and stared at those little pictures for the longest time.  Corey said the smile never left my face.  I was so happy that we finally have proof of our little baby!  I love our little sprout so much already!

Doctor Appointments

It’s Real…

I think I am finally starting to believe that this is real.  I am pregnant.  We are going to have a baby!

All of this set in when at my first prenatal appointment today.  I met with the prenatal nurse this morning.  I have known her since I was a little girl; she was so excited when she saw it was me (she didn’t recognize my married name on the forms she had.)  I loved that my first appointment so personal…just chatting like old friends! 

We went over what I need to be doing and what I need to avoid to make sure this baby is as healthy as possible.  To the best of my ability, I gave her my family medical history.  I think I told her everything; I should have taken my mom with me.  You never get too old to take your mom to the doctor with you, right?  Oh well, I am sure I was able to tell the nurse enough.  🙂

My next appointment is scheduled for June 18th.  We will meet with the doctor, and I will have my first ultrasound.  Corey and I will get to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time!  I don’t want to rush things, but June 18th needs to hurry up.  Four weeks seems like a long time to wait!