As of Monday our Little Man is fourteen months old. Where did that last month go? Before you scroll any farther, I would like to apologize for the ridiculous number of photos in this post. It is completely unnecessary, but I could not help myself. He is just so cute!
Cullen has picked up a lot of new words over the past few weeks. He now says cookie, shoes, thank you, and fish (goldfish). I think he has started calling Macey DeDe, which is pretty adorable!
As you can clearly see here, Cullen is loving outside. And he is non-stop. If you remember, last month, he was perfectly content to sit in the grass and let me snap a few pictures. Not this time; Corey and I chased him around the yard the entire time trying to get a few good shots. Cullen spent most of our photo session pulling weeds (which our yard definitely needs right now.) Maybe we can put him to work this summer?