
A Day At The Zoo

Cullen got to go to the zoo for the first time yesterday. I had to drag Corey there since he was convinced this zoo trip was for me and Cullen would never remember it.  In the end though we all had a blast.  Cullen loved the big animals, and Corey had just as much fun.

Exhibit one…beautiful elephants!
Amazed at the elephants!

One of the primates…Cullen was not impressed.

Cullen’s reaction to the vultures. I agree…those are some big scary looking birds.

Watching the giraffes with Daddy.

Watching the giraffes with Mommy.

The daddy giraffe.  I think this was Cullen’s favorite animal at the zoo!

Sleepy lions.

It’s OK Cullen.  Those lions can’t get you.

Gorgeous Toucan!

He made it about halfway through the zoo before passing out.

Look who woke up just in time for the farm animals! (He was looking at the pig here, but it would not cooperate for a picture.)
OK.  This was Cullen’s favorite part of the zoo. Silly boy!

Monthly Update

Seven Months

That’s right, this little cutie pie is seven months old already! 

No doctor visit this month, so we don’t have an official weight or height.  But, I think he weighs about 19 pounds and is 28 inches long.  Growing like a weed!

Look at all of that personality!  Cullen is so much fun these days.  Corey and I have so much fun playing with this silly boy after work and on the weekends. So what does this little boy like to do?

Chewing on toys, books, fingers, his toes.  Basically whatever he can get in his mouth. (He has even gotten his hands on a few dog toys recently…eww!)

Playing Patty Cake.  For some reason, he loves when you clap your hands.  He puts his hands on yours like he is trying to help and laughs as loud as he can.  I love it!

Swimming.  Cullen loves the pool.  He doesn’t really like being in the pool float we got for him, but he loves being held on his tummy so he can splash and kick his feet.

Playing in the bath.  Notice a trend?  After coming back from the beach, this little boy loves the water!  He loves playing with his bath toys and splashing, and he now screams when you take him out of the tub.  So bath time is fun, ending bath time is not!

Trying to crawl and pull up.  He spends a lot of time moving from sitting to his tummy and then getting frustrated because no matter how hard he tries he cannot go forward.  He has been able to push himself backward some, but he can’t quite get his legs and arms to move together without plunging his face to the floor.  He is getting close though.  I think we will have a mobile baby before long.  He is also getting close to being able to pull himself up.  He has an activity table that he tries to pull up on to get to the toys. And if he is sitting in your lap, he holds onto your arms and tries to stand up.  He gets himself about halfway up before falling back on his tush.  I don’t think I am ready for Cullen to be standing and crawling just yet.

This seven month old now has two teeth!  His bottom front teeth first popped through about two weeks ago.  I can’t even describe the cuteness of those little teeth!

Can you tell someone got his hands on the chalkboard again?  I think I had to rewrite it three times to get this month’s pictures.  And I had help from Corey!  This little boy is a mess!

Monthly Update

Six Months

Look at this little chunky monkey!  Is he not the cutest?!

Cullen now weighs 17 pounds 3 ounces, which puts him in the 42nd percentile for weight, and he is 27.4 inches long, which puts him in the 80th percentile for height.  He has really grown over the past two months!

So, what is Cullen up to these days?

Sitting up!  I am amazed at how quickly he went from a constant wobble to sitting up straight without toppling over.  It was almost overnight.  It is so nice to be able to sit him in the floor with his favorite toys and actually get something done.  

Eating! So far Cullen likes squash, zucchini, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, and avocado. His favorite is banana and avocado mixed.  The only thing we have found so far that he absolutely does not like is green beans. (Unless they are mixed with apples!  It seems like he will eat anything mixed with apples.)  He also wants whatever happens to be on your plate or in your cup.  We are going to try carrots tonight, and will start trying a sippy cup in the next few days.

Cullen is not mobile yet, but he wants to be.  When he is on his tummy playing and the toy (or wipes box or table leg) that he wants is out of reach, he stretches as far as possible and twists and turns.  It is so funny watching him turn in a complete circle trying to get his hands on something.

Growing hair!  His bald little head is finally starting to get some hair again.  It is coming back in red!  I have always loved red hair.  So cute!!!

Giving hugs and kisses!  He gives the best hugs and the best open mouth, slobbery kisses!

As much as I don’t want him to grow up too fast, I love how independent Cullen is becoming. He has no problem spending time alone with his toys and entertaining himself. I love the little boy that he is becoming.  Even Corey said the other day that he loves how much fun Cullen is at this age and his giggles can brighten any day!

Along with this new independence comes trouble for us.  Gone are the days of him laying still for a diaper change or pictures.  Diaper changes are now a wrestling match; as soon as he gets the diaper off he wants to roll over.  And this months photo session required help from my mom…and we could have used another person.

Look who discovered the chalkboard!  

I may have to rethink his monthly photo shoot format…this is going to get really interesting when he starts crawling.

Bonus:  Here are a few outtakes from this months photo session.

And a few really sweet pictures I was able to capture before the fun started.

Stay tuned!  I will be posting pictures from Cullen’s first beach trip soon.

Instagram Friday

Instagram Friday

Here is a little peek at what Cullen has been up to the past two weeks.

Adorable grin? Or plotting to take over the world?

Cullen’s first time at the pool!

Cullen wanted to play too.  #latenightjamsession

This little boy loves his dog!

Posing for the camera.  Always.
Enjoying avocado for the first time.  I think it’s his new favorite.
Instagram Friday

Instagram Friday

Here is a snapshot of what Cullen has been up to the past two weeks.

Trying out some oatmeal.  “Ehh…it’s okay.”
Helping me read a bedtime story. Tawny Scrawny Lion
Reading by himself.  Farm animals are very interesting.

Cruising in style.
Bonding with his Uncle Travi.
Worn out after a family cookout.  Sporting mustaches in honor of Father’s Day.
Squash fresh from the garden. Yum!
Squash is finger lickin’ good!
“And where is my BBQ plate?”

Thoroughly enjoying peaches from a local orchard!

Monthly Update

Five Months

Can you believe it?  

I think Cullen weighs about 15 pounds now.  He is growing, growing, growing!  He changes everyday.  I love watching what he will do next!

What Cullen’s Up To Now:

As you probably know, we started solid foods this month.  We tried oatmeal first…Cullen is not really a fan, so we gave up on that for now.  A couple of days ago we tried squash.  Fresh from GG and Papa G’s garden.  Day 1 of squash: unimpressed.  Day 2 of Squash: He loved it!  He kept pulling the spoon to his mouth for more!  After another day or two of squash, we will try peaches…fresh from the local orchard.

Cullen is almost sitting on his own!  He will for about 5 seconds or so before he falls sideways or forward.  

Reaching for what he wants.  Well…not really reaching.  More leaning his whole body in the direction of what he wants.  (Which is probably part of why he falls on his face after sitting for more than a few seconds.)

What Cullen Likes:

Talking/Squealing.  His newest thing is to screech velociraptor-style.  At first it is adorable and hilarious.  Then it is kind of obnoxious because it is very difficult to carry on a conversation with that going on.  (Silly boy already knows he is the center of everyone’s attention and apparently intends to keep it that way at all times.)

Bath time!  This is quite a change from last month. Until about a week ago, Cullen just sat in the water with a look on his face that said “I’m a boy.  Boys don’t bathe.  Get me out of here.”  Now, he has discovered the bath toys and is content to chew on a crab and kick his feet in the water.

Eating people.  If Cullen can get to your face, the first thing he is going to do is chew on your nose.  It is hilarious!

The remote.  It is his favorite thing to hold/look at/talk to.  (He has a remote that is his very own at my parents’ house.)  My mom sent me this picture a few days ago:

I love how much fun it is to be around this cutie these days.  He’s not that cuddly little newborn anymore, but he has so much personality for such a little person!



We attempted feeding Cullen oatmeal for the second time tonight. It went a lot better than our first attempt, but Cullen is still very unsure about the whole thing. 

Instagram Friday

Instagram Friday

Some of you have already seen these pictures via either Instagram or Facebook.  For those of you who do not get to have your news feeds filled with this adorable little face (Because lets face it, I only see social media as a way to share my cutie with the world.  Yep…I’m that mom.) here are pictures from this past week.

Practicing in the highchair and playing with his spoon.

We wore him out shopping.  Look at him snuggling with that fox!

Loves tummy time now!
Snuggled in my arms when I should have been doing laundry.
Cullen loves his Daddy!

Doctor Appointments Monthly Update

Four Months

At his 4 month well check, Cullen weighed 13 pounds, 8 ounces and was 26 inches long.  This boy is long and skinny!  But he is finally starting to get some adorable little leg rolls…I love them!(Based on our scale at home, he is now about 14 1/2 pounds…only about 2 weeks later.  That is some serious growing!) 

What Cullen is doing these days:

Rolling from front to back.  I was home from work with him one day and he flipped about 10 times in a row.  I’m glad I thought to take a video of it, because he didn’t flip for Corey until about a week and a half later.  Apparently Cullen does not do things on demand; he will do them on his own time.

Laughing out loud.  This is my new favorite!  The things that make him laugh the most are zerberts on his belly and lots of kisses on his neck.  He definitely ticklish like his mommy.  He starts laughing if it even looks like I’m going to get near his neck.  Silly boy!

‘Talking’ All. The. Time.  Just like his Daddy. 😉 Seriously.  Between Cullen and Corey, I don’t think I’ll ever get a word in again.  He babbles on and on; sometimes like he’s telling you something funny that happened earlier, and sometimes like there are some serious issues that need to be taken care of and this is no time for giggles…you’d better listen to what he has to say.  

Nursing like a pro.  We had some issues in the beginning and were pretty confident I was just going to have to pump and bottle feed for a year.  (Which wasn’t the most convenient, but at least he was getting my milk.)  About a month ago though, something clicked and Cullen figured it out.  Leaving the house is so much easier now!

Putting everything in his mouth.  Toys, books, blankets, bibs, fingers, arms…   If he can get it to his mouth, he is going to chew on it.  And he drools everywhere.  We go through at least 3 bibs a day, usually more.  Early stages of teething?  Or just experiencing new things?

What Cullen likes:

Flying super hero style.  It amazes me how quickly he can go from fussing to laughing when Corey lifts him in the air.  

Being naked.  As soon as the clothes and diaper come off, he flashes the biggest grin he can.  He loves it!

Looking at pictures.  Of people he knows, people he doesn’t know, and especially himself.  i think I’m going to make him a book of pictures to look at.

Sitting and standing.  If Cullen is awake, he wants to be sitting up.  If you try to lay him down, he does sit-ups and gets all red-faced.  I can’t believe how close he is to being able to sit on his own.

Tummy Time.  Now that he can roll over, Cullen actually enjoys being on his tummy again!

What Cullen doesn’t like:

Baths.  He doesn’t cry or anything, but he is definitely not amused.  We try to make it fun with toys and splashing, but he is just not a fan yet.

Burping.  He hates it.  Most of the time, I don’t even try. 

Once again, I am amazed at how quickly time flies!  Pretty soon, we will be attempting solid foods…I feel like that is a huge step!  I hate to be ‘that mom’, but he is growing up way too fast!  I love how much fun we have together, though!

Bonus:  Look at this cutie in his hat and shades!

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