My baby bump at 10 weeks from the side:
Total Weight Gain: Lost 5 lbs so far. (no change this week)
Maternity Clothes: I have a pair of maternity shorts that I have pulled out a few times. Other than that, I have just been wearing a BeBand with my regular pants.
Sleep: Still pretty good.
Movement: Not feeling any movement, but we saw our little sprout wiggle on our ultrasound last week.
Boy or Girl? Still don’t know.
Food Cravings: I still only want to eat bland things and cold fruity things…like Icees and freezer pops.
Food Aversions: Still red meat. (actually, pretty much any kind of meat. I can only eat a bite or two and I’m done.)
What I Miss: I am just ready to eat like a normal person again.
Size of Baby: Prune (1.5 inches)
Baby’s Development: Baby has started taking a more human shape now. Bones and cartilage of started to form, and small indentations on the legs have started to develop into knees and ankles. Baby’s arms can flex already.
Best Part of this Week: Where to begin?! Seeing our little one had to be the best. We got to see the flutter of his or her little heartbeat. We even got to see our little sprout wiggle some. Then we got to tell everyone. It was so much fun sharing the news!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Not related to this pregnancy, but I am looking forward to going to the beach in about 3 weeks! We always have so much fun, and I will get to see family and friends that I don’t get to see very often.
And for your viewing pleasure…Corey and his pregnancy poses: