This past couple of weeks have been so exciting! I found out not so long ago that you are on your way. I have of course told your daddy and then your grandparents, aunt, and uncles. Everyone is so excited that you will be joining our family. They cannot wait until January to see your sweet little face! Don’t rush though. I am going to enjoy having you all to myself for the next eight months.
If I am being honest with you, your daddy is a little scared. You are going to bring a big change to our lives, and even good changes can be scary. But don’t worry. Your daddy is very excited and already loves you very much. We both do!
I am already praying for you every day and look forward to getting to hold you. Snuggle in for now though; work on growing healthy and strong.
I think I am finally starting to believe that this is real. I am pregnant. We are going to have a baby!
All of this set in when at my first prenatal appointment today. I met with the prenatal nurse this morning. I have known her since I was a little girl; she was so excited when she saw it was me (she didn’t recognize my married name on the forms she had.) I loved that my first appointment so personal…just chatting like old friends!
We went over what I need to be doing and what I need to avoid to make sure this baby is as healthy as possible. To the best of my ability, I gave her my family medical history. I think I told her everything; I should have taken my mom with me. You never get too old to take your mom to the doctor with you, right? Oh well, I am sure I was able to tell the nurse enough. 🙂
My next appointment is scheduled for June 18th. We will meet with the doctor, and I will have my first ultrasound. Corey and I will get to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time! I don’t want to rush things, but June 18th needs to hurry up. Four weeks seems like a long time to wait!
Since January, I have had a couple of things to give to Corey when we did get pregnant. I wrapped them up Saturday night, hoping I would finally tell Corey about our little sprout the next morning.
I thought I was really good at keeping secrets, but not telling anyone about our little sprout is killing me!
Our families have been pressuring us to have kids since we got married. (That is three years of “When are you going to make us grandparents?” and “I want a nephew!”) Except from my mom. She told us we had to wait until she graduated and got a job. Sorry mom.
We had dinner with our families on Mother’s Day, and trying to keep my mouth shut all night just about killed me. The entire dinner conversation centered on trying to convince us to go ahead and have a baby already. We heard things like
“There should be three moms at this table.”
“We would babysit all the time.”
“I need to get a mini van to carry around all my future grand babies.”
Little did they know one was already on the way. 😉
We are having a baby!
In December, we BOTH decided we were ready to start trying, two years earlier than our original plan. Five months later, we have a little miracle on the way!
I took the first test the Friday before Mother’s Day after I got home from work. On that first test, the second line was so faint, I was almost convinced I was seeing things. Maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see.
I took another test on Saturday, the second line was a little darker, but I still wasn’t convinced.
I tested again on Sunday because who knows? Those first two may have lied. That one convinced me. It was definitely positive. I was so excited when I clearly saw that second line pop up immediately! It took everything I had not to run back to the bed and yell “I’M PREGNANT” at Corey, but I don’t think he would have appreciated that at 6:00 in the morning. I did tell Corey the good news that morning before church, but I’ll share that story later.
As long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a mom more than anything else. I am thrilled beyond words that in less than nine months, motherhood will be my reality!